L’idea che gli occupanti degli ufo siano entità demoniache viene avvalorata anche dai numerosi casi di rapimenti di esseri umani: i rapiti subiscono molti dei fenomeni che si verificano nelle possessioni demoniache quali, il cambiamento di personalità, l’acquisizione di poteri paranormali, il verificarsi di fenomeni spaventosi nelle loro case, l’abbandono della religione cristiana.
In sintesi il comportamento degli occupanti degli ufo presenta aspetti inquietanti che fanno pensare che tali entità siano entità demoniache.
Molti autori ritengono che l’eterna lotta tra Dio ed il Diavolo abbia oggi assunto una nuova forma ovvero l’interferenza di entità demoniache nelle vicende umane utilizzando una nuova diabolica messa in scena ovvero fingere di essere entità aliene venute sulla Terra per aiutare il genere umano. Per dirla in altro modo oggi i demoni si travestono da alieni proprio perché ci troviamo nell’era spaziale.
Molti autori cristiani credono che gli UFO sono segni apocalittici: per tali autori gli UFO sono il segni che indicano che la fine del mondo è vicina così come è vicino l’arrivo dell’Anticristo.
Uno degli aspetti più significativi del fenomeno
UFO è il suo contenuto religioso. Il fenomeno UFO presenta anche una dimensione
religiosa per diversi motivi. Infatti almeno sette grandi temi o elementi
religiosi sono presenti nella fenomenologia ufologica: il mistero, la
trascendenza, la fede nelle entità spirituali, la perfezione, la salvezza, una
visione del mondo di tipo metafisico.
Questi temi religiosi presenti nel fenomeno UFO sono molto interessanti per la
storia delle religioni e per questa ragione riteniamo che la dimensione
religiosa dei fenomeni ufo sia molto importante e per questo debba essere
oggetto di studio sia da parte degli storici delle religioni sia da parte dei
sociologi della religione.
Versione inglese
Although many believers in flying saucers maintain that their inhabitants are friendly not all accounts ufo contact are serene and congenial. Space intelligence can be eitheir beneficent or nefarious beings. They belong to an universe where the moral order is different. Like their intelligent counterparts on planet Earth, they have the ability and responsibility to choose between god and evil. As in religious world views god and evil in ufo mitology are given cosmic proportions. They are perceived as two diametrally opposed forces at work in the universe. They are constantly in war with each other. The descriptions of ufo activities by contactist can be generally classified into two main categories. One depicts the aliens as angelic and actractive beings who appear suddenly in a bright light and who are interested in the well-being of the human race. These travellers from other regions of the space care for the human race and its welfare. Many of the ufo messages channeled through people who believe they have been designated for the task show concerne for the present human plight which as been brought to ahead the developed of nuclear power and the missuse of Earth’s natural resources that has led to a serious ecological crisis. The aliens are calling as back to our sense warning us that destruction of erthlies ahead if we do not reform and guiding us in our efforts to preserve the Earth. Religious goal such has spiritual trasformation, redemption from earthly woes, creation of a paradisal condition in this life and preparation for a higher life form after death are among the benefit that ufo occupants in part through human contactees.
The second trend is to look on aliens as dangerous and terrifying creatures or negative astral entities whose activities are violent and hostile. They are unwanted intruders in human life because their intentions are inimical to the well-being of the human race. They are superior invaders who are secretly watching us experimenting on human life just as humans experiment on animal life here on Earth. They make continuous attempts to interrupt human contacts with our space relatives. Their final goal is to conquere, subdue and control the Earth and its inhabitants.
Such a theory about goal of flying saucers is corroborated not only by abituctees who are have had frightening ufo xperiences but also by some influential writers on the ufo phenomenon.
Even though less alarming views of the abduction experiences have been offered, some style persist in presernting a rather disturbing view of ufos and the intentions of their occupants.
The view that they are both tening super beings at large in the cosmos who are engaged in the eternal fight between god and evil is amenable to philosophical and religious over tones. It can also be harmonized with christian theology battle between the god and the bad angels represents the universal struggle between the divine and the demonic a struggle that has both cosmic and eartly proportions. The god can be said to be angels sent by God to help humankind, while the Evil ones are demonic beings and forces that are determined to draw human beings away from God.
Infact flying saucers occupants can be identified not only with the angels of the Judeo-Christian tradition but also with the demons of the same tradition. Some writers say that ufo are a modern manifestation of demon activity and for this reason they are here to misguide the human race. Many christian writers think that ufos are apocalyptic signe: for these writers ufos can be the heavenly signe that herald the Second Coming of Christ with its consequent judgment. Ufos are for these writers an indication that the decisive great battle of Armageddon is not far away.
One of the most appealing aspect of ufos is their religious content and structure. Ufos can readily function as a religion for several reasons. They deal with important and often ultimate iussues human lifecontain references to entities that bear same resemblance to traditional religious beings such as gods, supernatural heroes, angels and devils. The ufos appear to have a spiritual or transhuman nature since their presence is not susceptible to modern empirical investigation. At least seven major religious themes or elements dominate accounts of ufos sightings and contacts: mystery, transcendence, belief in spiritual entities, perfection, salvation, world view and spirituality.
These religious themes present in ufo phenomena are very interesting for the history of religions and for this reason we believe that the religious dimension of ufo phenomena is very important.
G. Pellegrino,
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Edisud, Salerno, 2002.
G. Pellegrino,
, Progetto Immagine, Torino, 2007. G. Pellegrino, Riflessioni
sociologiche sul Mistero degli Ufo, Progetto Immagine, Torino, 2007.
J. Lewis, J. Lewis, Gli dèi sono sbarcati.
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